martes, 28 de abril de 2009

LUMEN PRIZE: "Spiritual and Intellectual Ligth"

From E-Net
by Dan Anderson

Elon names 2009 Lumen Scholars
'Thirteen rising juniors at Elon have been named recipients of the 2009 Lumen Prize, the university’s premier award that comes with a $15,000 scholarship to support and celebrate their academic achievements and research proposals.
Lumen Scholars will work closely with their mentors over the next two years to pursue and complete their projects. Efforts will include course work, study abroad, research both on campus and abroad as well as during the regular academic year and summers, internships locally and abroad, program development, and creative productions and performances.
The name for the Lumen Prize comes from Elon's historic motto, "Numen Lumen," which are Latin words meaning "spiritual light" and "intellectual light." The words, which are found on the Elon University seal, signify the highest purposes of an Elon education.

Christopher Jarrett Major: Spanish/International StudiesHometown: Richmond, Va.Mentor: Michael MatthewsProject title: Cultural diversity in contemporary Latin American indigenous movements

Scholarship recipients were chosen through a two-step process. Candidates submitted applications with background statements and research proposals, a letter of nomination from their mentor, and an additional letter of recommendation. The second stage consisted of an interview.
The selection committee considered several criteria for choosing the winners: clarity and scope of intellectual inquiry, intellectual curiosity and critical reflection, distinctiveness, and feasibility.
“Given the committed work of the faculty and ongoing support from administration, the quality of undergraduate scholarly and creative work continues to improve across the board at Elon,” said psychology professor Paul Fromson, who led the Lumen Prize selection committee. “That makes selecting the Lumen Prize winners quite a challenge, as we were working with a pool of highly talented and committed applicants. I feel confident that our 2009 Lumen Scholars will prove that our faith in them was well placed, and that they will make noteworthy contributions to their disciplines, to the campus community, and to the world around them.”
Fromson noted that the 40 students who applied for this year’s Lumen awards came from all areas of the university. “Our selections in no way reflect any predetermined allotment of so many prizes for any particular school, department or program,” Fromson said. “Rather, we strive to be open to identifying distinctive excellence across the many ways scholarship is manifested at Elon.”
A dinner in honor of the 2009 Lumen Scholars will be held May 5 at the Alamance Country Club. In addition to the prize recipients and their mentors, the dinner will be attended by 2008 Lumen Prize award winners along with members of the selection committee, academic deans and President Leo M. Lambert and his wife, Laurie. Charles Irons, assistant professor of history will be the guest speaker."

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009


Felicidades Chris, en nombre de toda la CASA DE ESPAÑOL nuestras más sinceras felicitaciones.
From E-Net by Eric Townsend, Staff 04/23/2009
"Phi Kappa Phi inducts new members
The Elon University Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi welcomed its newest initiates, selected for membership from the upper 7.5 percent of the junior class and upper 10 percent of the senior and graduate classes, in an April 22 formal ceremony in McKinnon Hall. Founded in 1897 at the University of Maine, Phi Kappa Phi is the nation’s oldest and largest academic honor society whose mission is “to recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others.”
Elon’s chapter of Phi Kappa Phi was installed on Nov. 14, 1995, as Chapter 275. The first class of inductees included 79 students and 3 faculty members.
Wendell McKenzie, the national past president, gave opening remarks at the ceremony, and Steven House, dean of Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences at Elon University, offered an address."

domingo, 19 de abril de 2009


Exhibition: Escultura Social: A new generation of Art from Mexico City. January 15/2009 -June 7, 2009